Zilliqa 2.0 Upgrade Boosts Speed and Improves Cross-Chain Compatibility

Zilliqa 2.0

Zilliqa 2.0 supports EVM compatibility, which enables it to execute smart contracts written in languages such as Solidity and seamlessly interface with widely used wallets.  

Blockchain network Zilliqa has officially introduced the white paper and road map for its long-awaited version 2.0 upgrade, which will be deployed on the mainnet this year.

According to the official post on the X platform, the enhancement promises to increase transaction speeds and improve cross-chain compatibility. 

Zilliqa 2.0 New Features

At the heart of Zilliqa 2.0 lies its sharding structure, known as x-shards. The functionality empowers enterprises and developers to craft personalized blockchain interactions aligned with their requirements, empowering users to materialize their visions on the Zilliqa platform.

Sharding represents a technique utilized in blockchain and database frameworks to amplify the efficiency and scalability of blockchain networks. It enhances their effectiveness and capacity to process additional transactions without compromising speed.

Aside from x-shards, the white paper presents a fresh proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, replacing the energy-intensive proof-of-work system. This transition renders the network more eco-friendly, facilitating fast finality and tight security.  

According to the release, block times are flexible and can be adjusted according to preference. The primary mainnet shard boasts an average block time of only two seconds. Furthermore, the network upgrade incorporates a cross-chain communication hub, simplifying interaction among x-shards, the Zilliqa mainnet, and other Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-compatible blockchains.  

Zilliqa 2.0 supports EVM compatibility, enabling it to execute smart contracts written in languages like Solidity and seamlessly interface with widely used wallets like MetaMask.  

The network will continue supporting Scilla, a smart contract intermediate-level language designed specifically for the Zilliqa blockchain. This will facilitate smooth collaboration between both contract languages. Furthermore, it will integrate functionalities such as EVM-compatible account abstraction, facilitating smart accounts and streamlined token conversions for gas fees.   

Zilliqua’s Attack 

The post noted that the network’s tokenomics had undergone updates to accommodate the transition to proof-of-stake. The adjustment offers appealing and sustainable incentives for token stakers while reducing inflation.   

Following various operational disruptions affecting block production on its mainnet, Zilliga’s white paper and roadmap have been released. However, the network has been running smoothly since full functionality restored