Robert Kiyosaki Says Bitcoin Price Will Hit $350,000 in Two Months

Robert Kiyosaki

Kiyosaki sees a more than 380% surge in bitcoin price as he predicts $350,000 Per BTC in two months. 

Famous American author and businessman Robert Kiyosaki believes that bitcoin (BTC) will reach an unprecedented high of $350,000 in the next two months. This prediction, backed by his extensive financial knowledge and experience, has led him to advise investors to consider acquiring more bitcoin, ether (ETH), Solana (SOL), and gold to potentially benefit from the upcoming surge in price within the next two months. 

Bitcoin At $350k?

In a recent post on X, Kiyosaki expressed confidence that BTC price will increase significantly within the next two months.

BITCOIN will be $350,000 by August 25, 2024 is not a lie. It’s a prediction. It’s speculation, it’s an opinion, but it’s not a lie,” he said. 

Kiyosaki is known to be a long-term bitcoin believer. However, in this case, he predicts that such a massive price move will occur quickly. The American author revealed that he is not just predicting; he is also working in accordance with his prediction by acquiring more crypto assets as he watches his prognosis play out.

“I keep buying more Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana because quite certain their prices will continue to rise,” he added.

Furthermore, Kiyosaki explained that he believes that bitcoin will make a surge due to incompetent leadership in the United States. 

“What I am confident of is the incompetence of our leaders, President Biden, Treasury Secretary Yellin and Fed Chair Powell. Those three are the 3-Stooges in real life, and I am certain I am very confident about their incompetence,” he said

He then advised investors, saying, “Take care. Buy more Gold, Silver, Bitcoin, Solana, and Ethereum.  Protect yourself from the 3- Stooges.“

Current Bitcoin Price and Predictions

At press time, bitcoin sits above $71,000 per coin and will need to increase by about 380% to hit Kiyosaki’s prediction of $350,000 by 25th August.

While Kiyosaki has predicted bitcoin’s pump to $350,000, many other influential crypto personnel have foretold other significant price increases. Binance CEO Richard Teng predicted bitcoin would rise above $80,000 this year. Bernstein analysts foresee $150,000 per bitcoin before year end, and former CEO of Twitter Jack Dorsey sees bitcoin at $1 million by 2030.